JCI Indication
/ Resistance: 6,246 – 6,324
Market Drivers:
- Queen Elizabeth II approves PM Boris Johnson’s plan to suspend parliament,
- PM Boris Johnson has scheduled the formal reopening of parliament for October
- Increased expectations of a no-deal Brexit
- But also increases the chance that Johnson could face a vote of no-confidence
in his government, and possibly an election
South Korea
- Has drafted the most aggressive budget spending plan since the 2008-2009 GFC
- MOF would propose to parliament a budget bill of 513.5 trillion won
(USD423.45 billion)
- +8.0% from this year when including the extra budget for 2019, and up 9.3%
excluding it.
Welfare, job creation, small businesses, environment and R&D projects
BUMI is targeting to pay off Tranche A debt of around USD 200-250 mn until
January 2020 and has already been paid USD 145 million in June 2019. This year
the company is targeting free cash flow of USD 180-230 million to refinance
debt. To improve performance, the company maintains a fixed production target
of 80-90 mn tons from KPC and AI.
In line with Perpres of Electric Cars, the company has previously built
project facilities at Pomalaa as raw materials for car batteries
electricity. The company is targeting to obtain an additional supply of 40 th
tons per year from matte nickel production of 70 th tons per year from Sorowako
as one of the basic ingredients of electric cars.
ELSA plans to expand by asset revitalizing of Pertamina's fuel terminal and
acquire assets of the Amurang LPG depot in Minahasa for IDR 200 bn. The company
is currently also building a storage tank with ANTM in East Halmahera with the
project target to be completed by the end of this year.
Recommendations :
Short Term Trend: Downtrend
Medium Term Trend: Bullish
Trade Buy : 3,330
Target Price 1: 3,450
Target Price 2: 3,540
Stop Loss: 3,220
Stock: *MEDC*
Short Term Trend: Downtrend
Medium Term Trend: Bearish
Spec Buy : 745
Target Price 1: 770
Target Price 2: 795
Stop Loss: 715
Stock: *RALS*
Short Term Trend: Downtrend
Medium Term Trend: Bearish
Spec Buy: 1,225
Target Price 1: 1,270
Target Price 2: 1,330
Stop Loss: 1,190
PT Phillip Securities Indonesia
ANZ Tower Level 23B, JlJendSudirman
Kav. 33A Jakarta 10220 – Indonesia
Tel +62-21 5790 0800 Fax +62-21 5790 0809
Website: www.phillip.co.id